In this article, Li and Gleitman are questioning the implications of the Whorf–Sapir linguistic relativity hypothesis.
The hypothesis argues (based on linguistic studies of Mayan populations) that the language of a society determines the members’ spatial reasoning, or the way they think about locations and distances. The Mayans use a spatial-coordinate system (ex. “to the north”) as opposed to a viewer-perspective system (ex. “to the left”).
Li and Gleitman question the findings, and they devise a research that involves only English speakers, but where they manipulate landmark cues. While they do not claim to have proven the Whorf–Sapir linguistic relativity hypothesis wrong, they argue that the availability of landmark cues plays a larger role in spatial reasoning than the linguistic system itself.
The famous Mexican General who fought against Texas when they wanted to rebel was General Jose de Urrea. His troops were never defeated during the Texas Revolution. He was known for Goliad Campaign where they capture the troops of James Fannin.
Foreign employment is working for a company based in another country, and you usually only work in one country. It wouldn’t be your home country in this case. National employment is working in multiple countries, and often your home country is one of them.
Demand characteristics bias(a type of response bias)
Demand characteristics bias occurs when participants in an experiment become aware of the hypothesis being tested and try to align their answers to support the hypothesis. When participants in research are aware that the answers they would produce to questions asked would make them seem bad, they might produce dishonest answers that would have a skewed effect on the research.
The type of bias displayed by these participants who produced samples of beautiful, legible handwriting was based on the fact that they knew the hypothesis being tested and wanted to prove by their actions that the hypothesis was true. This made them produce samples that were not a true reflection of their personalities. This would definitely affect Naveen's research.
Amphetamines are found in both prescription form and in illicitly manufactured forms, this is commonly known as speed or uppers. One example of an illicitly manufactured amphetamine is methamphetamine and the designer drugs.Typical street amphetamine is manufactured in illicit laboratories and is found in varied colors, but is normally a white crystalline powder that can be normally sniffed.