No, because a school official can claim a search is warranted when in reality the official could search you because of a hunch and search personal property causing potential property damage and causing the student much distress.
Held that Statutes of General Application are statutes that are applied by all civil and criminal courts and bind all citizens. ... In the case of Lawal vs Younan[3], the court decided that the Fatal Accident Act of 1846 and the Fatal Accident Act of 1864 are statutes of general application since they concern all citizens.
Somos prejuiciosos todos y es por culpa del mundo en que vivimos.
Somos así porque la vida diaria nos ha entrenado para obrar así, vivimos llenos de miedo y con nuestros mecanismos de defensa activados 24 horas al día incluyendo los domingos cuando estamos solos en nuestra cama desconfiando de una película porque no nos gusta su carátula. Somos así porque los medios, la sociedad y las generaciones anteriores nos enseñaron a escandalizarnos al ver a una pareja de novios de distinto color de piel.
Case 1 (Fordjour v. Ahmed case on rent) and Case 3 (Giz Construction v. Ministry of Roads on Nonpayment of project ) are civil cases which entail one party by talking the other party to court over money. Ahmed was taken to court by his landlord Fordjour over rent arrears while Minirtsy of Roads was taken to court for non-payment of project by Giz Construction. Case 2 (GRA v. Melcom over Tax payment) is criminal case as it entails Melcom violating laws stipulated by the government.