Molar mass of Al2O3 = 101.961276 g/mol
This compound is also known as Aluminium Oxide.
Convert grams Al2O3 to moles or moles Al2O3 to grams
Molecular weight calculation:
26.981538*2 + 15.9994*3
Percent composition by element
Element Symbol Atomic Mass # of Atoms Mass Percent
Aluminium Al 26.981538 2 52.925%
Oxygen O 15.9994 3 47.075%
Percent composition by element
Element Symbol Mass Percent
Aluminium Al 52.925%
Oxygen O 47.075%
Like all objects, rockets are governed by Newton's Laws of Motion. The First Law describes how an object acts when no force is acting upon it. So, rockets stay still until a force is applied to move them. Newton's Third Law states that "every action has an equal and opposite reaction".
First, let us calculate the moles of solute or sodium
bicarbonate is in the 1 ml solution.
<span>moles = 1 mL * (1 g
/ 9 mL) = 0.11 moles</span>
The molar mass of sodium bicarbonate is 84 g/mol,
therefore the mass is:
mass = 0.11 moles * 84 g/mol
<span>mass = 9.33 g</span>
The noble gases don't react because they have their full orbital. They have 8 valence electrons, meaning that they are happy and stable. They dont need any more electrons, which means that they dont need to bond. That makes them un- reactive.