the Belmont report summarizes 3 principles for studies involving human subjects, these are; respect for persons, beneficience and justice.
the principle of justice demands that when studying a particular group it must have been assertained that the problem in prevalent in that ethnic group and that reasonable, non-exploitative, and well-considered procedures are administered fairly
Tropical hunters & gatherers
they can get anberst or get sad or may happy
b/c they think that they always need to proof in studies alyes thin they can do more
Indian citizens were forced to buy the vital mineral from their British rulers, who, in addition to exercising a monopoly over the manufacture and sale of salt, also charged a heavy salt tax. Although India’s poor suffered most under the tax, all Indians required salt.
When she has gained a lot from George riches
Explanation: from the above, Linda is only interested in george's riches because from her statement George is rich and given time ,she may eventually come to love him . her love is dependent on the time and riches of George.