To compare data makes the most sense
Information virtualization is the process of representing the abstract data such as numeral number and text into the form of visual which is human can easily understand.
The main challenges faced by the information visualization researchers are:
- The main challenge which are faced by the information virtualization is during the data importing and also cleaning in the system.
- It also not able to access the large amount of the data easily from the system.
- Due to the poor selection of the scale and the coordinate rotation it also lead to the data distortion.
How partners in a relationship differ in a way that would cause them to contribute differently to the aggression that occurs between them.
Aggression in an intimate relationship is a negative response to environmental stimuli of individual. Two types of aggression are unilateral and bilateral aggression.
Aggression in a relationship can be view from different perspective, namely, interpersonal perspective, intra-individual perspective and sociocultural perspective.