I believe that I know what you are talking about however a better layout or source would be nice.
3:I’m sorry I’m not really sure how to answer this one but I’m going to assume that you mean from dark to light. So they liked this time period because the trees were darker due to pollution, this made the darker moths survive from predators while the lighter color moths would be eaten, over time, natural selection would do its course and the whole population of moths would be dark.
4:Well I kind of already answered this but the majority of them were dark because the lighter ones would not be camouflaged therefore making them be easier target for predators and makes the darker moths breed out the lighter ones.
5:Well giraffes cannot live without food so the giraffes with shorter necks would slowly die off making it so only the long necked one would be able to reproduce with babies which would also have long necks, over a long course of time, the shorter necks would be completely gone.
6:Well I wouldn’t say they “grow” longer necks. It’s more like genetic mutation made it so random giraffes would get longer necks then others, since giraffes live in an environment where they have to have long necks only the giraffes with that genetic mutation would survive, and as a said, the longer neck giraffes could only breed with the other Long necked giraffes cause those are the only ones that could survive.
Answer: C. Food provides the raw materials for biosynthetic pathways that can produce sugar by a process that is the exact opposite of glycolysis.
B) Symbiosis
Symbiotic relationships in nature means that two organisms help each other. Coral reefs are poisonous to most sea life EXCEPT the clownfish, which uses the coral as homes. The clownfish also provide food for the coral, so both benefit.