1. Civil rights are an essential component of democracy. They're guarantees of equal social opportunities and protection under the law, regardless of race, religion, or other characteristics.
Laundry was hard to do in tenements because, in many cases, there was no clean running water accessible.
<span>Saul and Solomon, were kings of Israel and their stories have something in common: both committed sins during their respective reigns; sins that ignited anger God. In 1050 BC Samuel designated Saul as the 1 King of Israel. He had infinite military successes, but his PRIDE made him lose the favor of God, his heart was attacked by envy. He was envious of David (the new one chosen by God) and even tried to kill him. Envy filled Saul's heart with hatred and caused his soon end. Solomon, was a wise king, son of David and Bathsheba, widow of Uriah. Solomon inherits his father's kingdom. Endowed with the wisdom that God gave him, that is to say "a listening heart", however, the Bible says that he had 700 women and 300 concubines, most of them from other nations. They brought their own religion, their idolatrous cults and made Solomon's heart begin to move away from God, as did Saul.</span>
<span>A country that follows Sharia must closely integrate the teachings of Islam and D. its legal system. Religion and law are closely intertwined in Muslim countries, which is can be seen clearly that when a person breaks a religious law (like cheating), they will be legally prosecuted as well, because those two are so connected.</span>
On the first leg of their three-part journey, often called the Triangular Trade, European ships brought manufactured goods, weapons, even liquor to Africa in exchange for slaves; on the second, they transported African men, women, and children to the Americas to serve as slaves; and on the third leg,