The answer is geodemographic segmentation. This is a multivariate measurable characterization strategy for finding whether the people of a populace fall into various gatherings by making quantitative examinations of numerous attributes with the presumption that the distinctions inside any gathering ought to be not as much as the contrasts between gatherings.
Consumer surplus is the price the consumer pay for good/service minus the amount the consumer is willing to pay for it.
✓Mr. and Dr. Brown would be willing to pay $31
✓Mr. Smith would be willing to pay $28
✓Professor Jones and Mr. Jones would be willing to pay $22
Elizabeth PRICE for babysitting each set of children for an evening = $22
Consumer surplus= Σ (price that the consumer is willing to pay- Price of the good/service is sold)
= [(31-22)+(28-22)+(22-22)]
= 9+6+0
Hence, Consumer surplus is $15