The unique impact him professionals have a coded data is combining knowledge of the clinical content, documentation principles, coding systems and data use provide accurate information for the industry. An example of HIM professional cohesion is the professional code of ethics. HIM field addressing a more global health care arena by collecting and aggregating data for the world health organization. The HIM curriculum is unique in that healthcare is a continual element throughout the academic program and HIM studies include biomedical sciences, information fields and management. Historically, the position of HIM director has been held by individuals with which AHIMA credentials is the RHIA
The biggest thing she need to consider are her variables. and the output she will get.
public static void quad(double a, double b, double c) {
double D = (Math.pow(b, 2)) - (4 * a * c);
if (D<0){
System.out.println("no real solutions");
The code snippet above implements the function in Java programming language
As required by the question, the line double D = (Math.pow(b, 2)) - (4 * a * c); evaluates b squared" - 4ac and assignes the value to the variable D
An if statement is used to test if D is less than 0, if this is true the message no real solutions is printed