Answer: They had more food to support more people.
Enzymes are involved in the formation and composition of every cell in the body. Thus they also control the working of every organ and even the brain - the control center. They are involved in the breakdown, absorption, distribution and circulation of various nutrients entering the body.
A galaxy where mainly stars and planets form around one or more spiral arms. (usually more?)
Nuclear decay rates are constant
Spontaneous decay of unstable nuclei is a process of a statistical nature, it is not possible to predict with certainty when an individual radioactive nucleus will decay, nor can the decay process be influenced in any way.
Therefore, the half-life of radionuclides (specific for each radionuclide) is defined as the time period in which half of the initial number of radioactive nuclei decays.
The unit of measurement for the radioactivity of the material is the becquerel (Bq) and denotes the number of decays in one second (1Bq = 1 decay / 1 second).
ECM is the extracellular matrix, or the set of extracellular molecules secreted by cells with the purpose to support surrounding cells. In plants the cell wall is the ECM and in mammals ECM can be in the form of fibrils and may constitute a significant portion of the bulk of the organism and it also referred as connective tissue.