Following are the program in the C++ Programming Language.
//set header file
#include <iostream>
//set namespace
using namespace std;
//define class
class format
//set access modifier
//set string type variable
string res;
//define function
void names(string first_name, string last_name)
//set if-else if condition to check following conditions
if(first_name.length()>0 && last_name.length()>0)
res="Name: "+last_name+", "+first_name;
else if(first_name.length()>0 and last_name.length()==0)
res="Name: "+first_name;
else if(first_name.length()==0 and last_name.length()==0)
//define function to print result
void out(){
//define main method
int main() {
//set objects of the class
format ob,ob1,ob2;
//call functions through 1st object
//call functions through 2nd object
//call functions through 3rd object
ob2.names("", "");
Name: Morris, John
Name: Jhon
<u>Following are the description of the program</u>:
- Define class "format" and inside the class we define two void data type function.
- Define void data type function "names()" and pass two string data type arguments in its parameter "first_name" and "last_name" then, set the if-else conditional statement to check that if the variable 'first_name' is greater than 0 and 'last_name' is also greater than 0 then, the string "Name" and the following variables added to the variable "res". Then, set else if to check that if the variable 'first_name' is greater than 0 and 'last_name' is equal to 0 then, the string "Name" and the following variable "first_name" added to the variable "res".
- Define void data type function "out()" to print the results of the variable "res".
- Finally, we define main method to pass values and call that functions.
Crunchyroll or my anime list. Both of these work.
Hope this helps you
cell address is the exact location of a particular cell of ms-excle
A1 refers to first row and first column.
A2 refers to second row first column.
in 'A1' : 'A' indicate column { A= first column, B= second
column, C= third column. and soon.....}
'1' indicate row { 1 = first row, 2 = second row, 3= third row..... soon .......}
it would have to be flow control which would be C.
The above query gives an error.
- The query gives an error because is not the correct syntax of the select or inserts query.
- The syntax of the select query is as follows: "select Attributes_1_name, Attributes_2_name,...., Attributes_n_name from table_name;".
- The syntax of the insert query is : "insert into table_name (column_1_name, column_2_name,...,column_n_name) values (column_1_value, column_2_value,...,column_n_value);".
- The syntax of the insert and select query is : "insert into table_name (select Attributes_1_name, Attributes_2_name,...., Attributes_n_name from table_name);".
- But the above query does not satisfy any property which is defined above. Hence it gives a compile-time error.