Sheldon classified people according to three body types or somatotypes: endomorphs, who are rounded and soft, were said to have a tendency toward a "viscerotonic" personality (i.e relaxed, comfortable, extroverted) mesomorphs, who are square and muscular, were said to have a tendency toward a "somotonic" personlity (i.e. active, dynamic, assertive, aggressive) and ectomorphs, who are thin and fine-boned, were said to have a tendency toward a "cerebrotonic" personality (i.e. introverted, thoughtful, inhibited and sensitive.)
I majored in Health
Make it sound fun.
Help them come up with ideas to do
set goals
add a prize at the end to make them strive for.
B. the negative peer pressure is making her do things she wouldn't usually do which is damaging not only her friendships but also her body system