Adaptational failure.
Adaptational failure refers to the Failure to master or progress in accomplishing developmental milestones.
This is called cluster sampling procedure.
In this type of procedure, a group of elements is considered instead of individual units. This proceddure is usually based on geography, and it's useful due to its efficiency regarding cost and time.
There are a few disadvantages, though: it might not be diverse enough to be significant, and it's possible that some elements of other groups (in this case, other districts) share some features.
A central government
Explanation:The structure of central governments vary. Many countries have created autonomous regions by delegating powers from the central government to governments on subnational level, such as regional, state, provincial, local and other instances.Common responsibilities of this level of government which are not granted to lower levels are maintaining national security and exercising international diplomacy, including the right to sign binding treaties. Basically, the central government has the power to make laws for the whole country, in contrast with local governments.