Deciding whether a territory would allow slavery or not based on a vote of the people in the territories led to slavery supporters and abolitionists both rushing to the region in order to vote on the issue. This led to an outbreak of violence between the settlers.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act was enacted by Congress in 1854. It granted popular sovereignty to the people in the Kansas and Nebraska territories, letting them decide whether they'd allow slavery. In essence, this made the Kansas-Nebraska act a repeal of the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which had said there would be no slavery north of latitude 36°30´ except for Missouri.
After the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers rushed into Kansas to try to sway the outcome of the issue, and violence between the two sides occurred. The term "bleeding Kansas" was used because of the bloodshed.
That no matter who it is, the United States is willing to help those countries have equal rights for everybody
Latin can be represented as a Old way in. English history
Snakes are beautiful, and they help control the growth of other organisms in their ecosystem. They are seen as a bad organism because of all the propaganda the press has made, when a snake bites someone, the press uses that to propagate the bad feeling for snakes. All those bites would be prevented if people were more careful, so it's not the snake fault.
Have a nice day! :)