Blood born pathogens refer to contaminants in body fluids
It depends on the weight of the sediments.
Answer :
The animals are categorized into 2 groups - eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The microbes like bacteria are coming under prokaryotes. They are unicellular organisms and without a true nucleus.
Viruses are the connecting link between the living and non - living. They are smaller than bacteria. The microbes less than 100 micrometer can't be seen by the naked eye. They can only visible under a microscope.
Viruses like polio, flu virus sizes are 10nm. But some of the viruses are also less than 10nm. The size of bacteria is 1 micrometer. The viruses are 10 times smaller than the bacteria.
The eukaryotic organisms are more advanced and multicellular. Their cell size is larger than bacteria and viruses. The red blood cells under the light microscope are 8 micrometers. The typical animal cells like sperm are 60 micrometers and a skin cell is 30 micrometers. The plant cell for example pollen is 90 micrometers.
The eukaryotic cells sizes are more than prokaryotes like bacteria.
This excerpt outlines the important precedent set by the court case Plessy vs. Ferguson. Plessy vs. Ferguson establishes the idea that "separate but equal" facilities are constitutional (aka legal). Essentially, this Supreme Court ruling allows for private and public places to be segregated. The ruling of Plessy vs. Ferguson resulted in segregated facilities all over the country including schools, restauraunts, bus stops, bathrooms, water fountains, etc.
This case is not overturned until 1954, in which the case Brown vs. Board reverses this idea and declares that separate but equal facilities violates the 14th amednment rights of African-American citizens.
The dead plants and animals are the form of organic nitrogen. Microorganisms utilize these materials and break them down and convert into nitrates, which is a utilizable form and is used by plants and animals. The process is called as nitrogen fixation.