The WPA2 shared key is incorrect is the correct answer.
The WPA2 shared key is incorrect because when the technician installs a new wireless thermostat for the purpose to control the temperature of the meeting room. Then, admin determines that the thermostat is not connecting to the control system through the internet and the admin authenticate that its parameter of receiving thermostat is associated with the AP. So, that's why the following option is correct.
Actions buttons are different than hyperlinks in many ways.
2)They are predefined shapes.
Action buttons are predefined shapes in the PowerPoint and can be used for moving between the slides of the presentation and for referring to the hyperlinks as well.
Action buttons have a predefined shape and that shape can be used to set the functionality of that particular button as a convention. Action buttons make up a strong presentation.
Action buttons can be invoked by clicking on them or just hovering over them and various sound effects can also be added on both the events to make the presentation more engaging and attractive.
Sure. In Unit test 5, it's looking for 1 instead of 0. You are returning 0 instead of 1.
0 requires 1 digit to express it and should therefore return 1.
In line 6, change the 0 to a 1.
Because C1 and C2 implement the same interface, they both implement whichIsIt. The variable c is known as a polymorphic variable, meaning that it can change from being an C1 to a C2. So, the message c.whichIsIt( ); may invoke C1's whichIsIt or C2's whichIsIt. This can only be known at runtime.