using namespace std;
int main(){
string str1[5];
int arr_Vote[5];
int Total_Vote=0,max1_Index;
int max1=INT_MIN;
//loop for storing input enter by user
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
cout<<"Enter the last name of candidate: "<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the number of vote receive by the candidate: "<<endl;
//calculate the sum
Total_Vote = Total_Vote + arr_Vote[i];
//find the index of maximum vote
cout<<"\nThe output is......"<<endl;
//loop for display data of each candidate
for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
cout<<str1[i]<<"\t"<<arr_Vote[i]<<"\t" <<float(arr_Vote[i]*100)/Total_Vote<<"%"<<endl;
//display winner
cout<<"The winner candidate is"<<endl;
cout<<str1[max1_Index]<<"\t"<<arr_Vote[max1_Index]<<"\t"<<float(arr_Vote[max1_Index]*100)/Total_Vote<<" %"<<endl;
Create the main function and declare the two arrays and variables.
the first array for storing the names, so it must be a string type. second array stores the votes, so it must be int type.
after that, take a for loop and it runs for 5 times and storing the values entered by the user in the arrays.
we also calculate the sum by adding the array data one by one.
In the same loop, we also find the index of the maximum vote. take an if statement and it checks the element in the array is greater than the max1 variable. Max1 variable contains the very small value INT_MIN.
If condition true, update the max1 value and update the max1_Index value.
The above process continues for each candidate for 5 times.
After that, take a for loop and display the data along with percentage by using the formula:

the, finally display the winner by using the max1_Index value.