Do you mean like a phone
Moto z
Lge sorry if this isn't what you asked
numAccounts = SavingsAccount.numberOfAccounts
In object oriented programming, when you have created an object of class, you can create several instances (objects) from that class by referencing the className.classFeild. In this instance SavingsAccount is the class name and
numberOfAccounts is a feild (or data member). to create a new numAccount, we use the syntax as above in the answer
The answer to the given picture is - Microsoft word's spell checker only recognizes very common words. Microsoft word has it's own dictionary which will be compared to the texts on your document. If they see an unfamiliar word they will underline it with red. Anyways you can add your own words and names to the custom dictionary.
<span> security means all personal information is kept safe the network is not compromised and only authorized users had access
Im pretty sure they ment has instead of had</span><span />