She fails the test because the test conducted on her shows she has the XY chromosome which is a sign of maleness. And also the technician recognize the fact that there is no Barr bodies in her cell.
Explanation: the male has two type of chromosome which is the X and Y chromosome while the female has only the X- chromosome. If a geneder test is carried out on a female athlete who carries both X and Y chromosome, it's shows that she is actually male and not female. When the technician looks at the test, a the cell of the female always have Barr bodies which is found in the female nucleus like a dark stain was absent. This made the technician infer that she is a male genetically because only male do not have Barr bodies and XY chromosome.
b) negative reinforcement
Negative reinforcement has to do with rewarding or responding to a certain stimulus or behaviour by respond in a negative or averse manner.
Mary tries to change Pearl's behaviour by refusing to making a comment or responding to Pearl speaking her native language when she's capable of expressing herself in English. They do this so she would learn to speak English more and get used to it.
Pearl's family are using negative reinforcement to try and get her to speak English more often. If she uses her native language, she is ignored and not replied to unless she repeats her words in English. Ignoring her is the averse method her family is using to get her to respond to the stimulus of speaking English.
Answer: "cognitive dissonance" .
behaviors, mental processes
Behaviours observable and easy to measure, while mental processes are not so observable or easy to measure.
Human behaviours can be measured by three fundamental properties which include repeatability, temporal extent, and temporal locus. The ability to measure human behaviour is important as it helps to identify the function maintaining a problem behavior and to evaluate the success of a positive behavior support plan. On the contrary, mental processes such as perception, memory, thinking are not easily observable or measurable.