The options are available for storing backups, physically are:
- In both on site and off site,, a person can backup data to a given system that is located on-site, or the backups can be sent to any remote system that is off-site.
<h3>What is a backup?</h3>
This is known to be a device that helps to save information or data temporarily or permanently.
Note that in the above, The options are available for storing backups, physically are:
- In both on site and off site,, a person can backup data to a given system that is located on-site, or the backups can be sent to any remote system that is off-site.
Learn more about backups from
def prompt_number():
while True:
number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if number >= 0:
return number
def compute_sum(n1, n2, n3):
total = n1 + n2 + n3
return total
n1 = prompt_number()
n2 = prompt_number()
n3 = prompt_number()
result = compute_sum(n1, n2, n3)
Create a function named prompt_number that asks the user to enter a number until a positive number or 0 is entered and returns the number
Create a function named compute_sum that takes three numbers, sums them and returns the sum
Ask the user to enter three numbers, call the prompt_number() three times and assign the values
Calculate the the sum, call the compute_sum and pass the numbers as parameters
Print the result
Because C1 and C2 implement the same interface, they both implement whichIsIt. The variable c is known as a polymorphic variable, meaning that it can change from being an C1 to a C2. So, the message c.whichIsIt( ); may invoke C1's whichIsIt or C2's whichIsIt. This can only be known at runtime.
Well you would want to test the design, so it would be "c" then "d"
I hope this helps.