The two questions that he must ask from himself are:
- Do you have credit report?
- Do you have good credit score?
The reason is that the banks are giving you money and are worried about whether or not you are going to pay them back or not. So they require some evidences whether the person has any credit report and good credit score which shows that the person will be worried to pay the bank and if he is not able to pay he find alternative as he is a responsible person. So these two questions assesses whether the person is capable to pay the mortgage.
Inbound logistics
Inbound logistics is the process of obtaining raw materials, and other goods and services, to the firm, while outbound logistics is the process of delivering the final goods and services from the firm to the customers.
In this case, the retail company is engaging in inbound logistics because it is procuring the raw materials from local farmers. Once these materials reach the firm, it can transform them into the agricultural produce and consumer produce that it sells.
Devil’s advocacy
Devil’s advocacy is a thorough analysis of a preferred alternative to check and test its strengths and weaknesses before being implemented with the purpose of identifying all the faults that might make the preferred alternative unacceptable.
This method helps in determining the dangers of any action taken by an individual or group of persons.
e. Short-term debt securities such as Treasury bills and commercial paper.
The money market is a branch of financial markets that trade in short-term, high liquidity debt instruments. The money markets create an opportunity for investors and borrowers to buy and sell different types of short term financial securities. The short-term securities maturity period ranges from one day to less than 12 months.
The securities that trade in market markets are called money market instruments. They include commercial papers, Eurodollar deposits, treasury bills, federal agency notes, and certificates of deposit. The money markets are important because they enable companies with temporary financial shortfalls to borrow money by selling money market instruments. They also give companies with cash surplus a platform to invest and earn interests.