Time to live.
The Time to Live is used for the purpose of the expiration table in the rows dynamically.The Time to live is represented in the time limit to stay in the database the Time to live It is no longer possible to fetch the data that has passed its closing timeout value also it is not displayed in the store metrics.
The Time to live is available on the host in the log informing the system how long the record will stay in the database after it has been generated or last modified.
double x = 2.5;
double y = -1.5;
int m = 18;
int n = 4;
string s = "Storm";
string t = "Watch";
The output of the expression "x + n*y - (x+n)*y" is "6.25".
and the output of expression "m/n + m%n" is "6".
for the first expression,
x + n*y - (x+n)*y ,put value of every variables in it.
for the second expression,
m/n + m%n, put value of every variables in it.
=18/4 +18%4
=4+2 ("/ will give quotient and % will give remainder")
package mypackage; // Whatever package this should be in.
public abstract class DesktopComponent {
private String type;
// Alternatively you may want a final variable.
// private final String type;
public DesktopComponent(String type)
this.type = type;
abstract void onClick();