Genes in the DNA tell the cells which proteins to produce, which determines certain traits
A) bacterial meningitis probably due to Streptococcus
These signs and symptoms are classic meningitis and when collecting cerebrospinal fluid, you notice cloudy fluid and the existence of gram-positive spherical cells is very likely to be caused by Streptococcus.
Direct Bacterioscopy is an examination performed from the CSF and other normally sterile body fluids. Gram staining of CSF allows the morphological and tintorial characterization of the bacteria present - in the case of meningococci, a Gram-negative diplococcus; pneumococcus, a Gram-positive diplococcus, and Haemophilus influenzae, a pleomorphic Gram-negative rod.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is stained by gram as gram-positive diplococcus.
A person should drink 13 cups/glasses of water a day
C: Calmy explain to Cleo how he feels using "I" statements
E: Ask Cleo if there is anything wrong and if he can help