Well if u follow the recommendations then yes, ur health will be better. physical exercise is great for the human mind and body as it’s a form to release stress and toxins through sweat
Step 1: Research and Macronutrients
Research the nutritional needs of the following two men:
Male 1: 30-year-old male, long-distance runner who weighs 140 lbs. and has a body fat percentage of 20 percent. He is 5’10” tall.
Male 2: 30-year-old male, works a desk job all day. He is sedentary and the only exercise he gets is a short walk once a week. He weighs 190 lbs. and his body fat percentage is 30 percent. He is also 5’10” tall.
Based on your research, use your best judgment to estimate the following nutritional requirements for each man. Record your information on the provided sheet.
Male 1 should have a diet of mostly fiber, with small amount of protein and fat. Male one may loosen the diet if wanted due to being fairly fit.
Male two would want a smaller diet consisting of mostly empty foods, such as celery. This is to keep them feeling full while still helping weight be lost.
True, because expressing your opinion or thoughts correctly and thoroughly. It will be received by the listener perfectly.
Cross- sectional
A cross-sectional study can be explained as a type of observational research that analyzes data of variables collected at one given point in time across a sample population or a pre-defined subset.
It involves the use of different groups of people who differ in the variable of interest but share other characteristics, such as socioeconomic status and educational background.
In conclusion, it should be understood that, Cross-sectional studies are usually relatively inexpensive and allow researchers to collect a great deal of information quite quickly, but still show individual character.
oker I just wanted to say that ur amazing and worth the world
tell every person u love that