It is classified a good product. A good product conveys an incentive to its client. A product can give various sorts of significant worth to its client: Escapism, expanded regard, efficiency and you can presumably name a 100 more. In light of our relative impression of "good", one can contend that there is a hindrance to passage as far as how much esteem an item needs to give with a specific end goal to be viewed as "good", and how much from each sort.
D. Informed Consent to Research
informed consent to research is a voluntary agreement to participate in a study. the subject must be made aware of the research in details and must consent to it before the start of the research.
in this case, Professor Hammond did not notify the students or seek their consent before the start of the study. However, due to the nature of the study, if the students are aware it may affect the results. thus it is adviceable to notify their guardians for consent.
Conference calls (answer C)
Spanish-American War, 1898. The war between the United States and Spain was largely fought in Cuba and the Philippines. The conflict lasted from April to August 1898. As a result, the United States acquired Puerto Rico and Guam and bought the Philippines.