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Language is always changing. We've seen that language changes across space and across social group. Language also varies across time.
You can shape community behavior with positive language. ... The words that we use to refer to people change how we treat those people.
It was around the 1960s Im 95% sure.
step 1- Primaries and caucuses
basically letting the states choose the major political parties' nominees for the general election
Step 2- National conventions
many rounds of conventions while the balloting continues until one receives the majority and then during the convention the presidential nominee announces their selection of a vise president
Step 3- Electoral college
the electoral college is where the president and vise president are chosen by electors because they are not elected directly by the citizens
Step 4- Inauguration Day
This is where the president and vise president are sworn in and take office
I got this all off of the presidential election process