Ramy has displayed "The A-not-B error".
Children of 10 months or more youthful ordinarily make the perseveration mistake, which means they look under box "A" despite the fact that they saw the person move the toy under box "B", and box "B" is similarly as simple to reach. This shows an absence of, or fragmented, schema of object permanence.
A policy in which all exit doors for a building stay unlocked during a fire is an example of fail open policy.
It is a system to remain opens all the exit door of a building. So that if any chance any accident occurs public can rush through it and save their life. It is called open policy and the word fail is attached with it to denote the occurrence of fire. If fire take place that is the failure of management part.
And to avoid major disaster to remain open the door is the strategy. That's why it is named as fail open policy. For e.g. if in any shopping mall fire set up it will take time to reach fire brigade there. Before that to save life fail open policy should be followed.
I believe the answer is: <span> operant conditioning.
In </span><span> operant conditioning, a specific set of behavior is being set by utilizing the use of rewards and punishment.
In the example above, the residential utilize the use of rewards (bed time snacks and tv previlige) to make the residents keep repeating the desired behavior (returning the button)</span>