If you save the input as num,
this will print the input 8 times.
num = input("Enter a number: ")
print(num * 8)
If you want to do actual math calculations,
then the input needs to be a number.
num = float(input("Enter a number: "))
print(num * 8)
This doesn't account for any errors in which the user doesn't input a number, but I don't think that's what you were looking for anyway :)
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
const float square_feet;
printf("Enter area in square feets: ");
// reads and stores input area
scanf("%f", &square_feet);
float acres= square_feet/43560;
// displays area in acres
printf("area in acres is: %.2f", acres);
return 0;
code is in C language.
double slashed '//' lines are not code but just comments to understand what it mean in code or for explanation purpose
This is written in C#, and it's probably not as clean as it could be. I'm not sure what language you wanted it in, so I just picked the one I'm most familiar with.
For MS Word 2010 and higher
Go to "View" and find checkbox "Ruler"
User-level Security
User-level security allows the user to access resources on a network using a username and password. User-level security offers higher and greater security than share-level security, which does not require a password to access files.
User-level security allows the database user access and permission to resources.