For the first picture, choose the second pair, and for the second one, choose the first pair
Answer: Coaxial Cable has got two physical channel layer in same axis of the cable that is why it is known as "coaxial cable".
Explanation: Coaxial cable is the main example for television cable and telephone cable that have two physical layer of channels and are separated by a insulating material layer and the outer layer working a ground section.The axis of both the physical layer are present on the same axis of the cable and thus is known as coaxial cable. They cable is usually made up of copper and some other materials.
Answered below
class TestScores {
double test1;
double test2;
double test 3;
public TestScores (double test1, double test2, double teat3){
this.test1= test1;
this.test2 = test2;
this.test3 = teat3;}
public setTest1(double test1){
this.test1 = test1;
public double getTest1(){
return test 1;
//Write same accessors and mutators for test2 and test3
public double getTestAverage(){
double sum = test1+test2+test3;
return sum / 3;
class TestRun{
public static void main (String [] args){
TestScores scores = new TestScores(50.5, 40.0, 80.7)
int average = scores.getTestAverage();
The first phone was made in 1854 by <span>Antonio Meucci.
Other inventors like </span>Johann Philipp Reis, <span>Alexander Graham Bell, Elisha Gray, and Thomas Edison reinvented the telephone or enhanced it.</span>
I don't know what the problem is for Charlie to solve so can you put it in the so I can answer it from there