People will judge you based upon your non-verbal communication. If your non-verbal communication is bad then you might not get the job.
Answer: - scan and convert to pdf app.
- timetable managing app.
- color seeing app (for color-blind people.)
- virtual clothing/jewelry try on.
We can find our required template with the help of followings:
1. Search
We can search our required template from new dialog box. We just enter the name of our required template in search bar and will find the required one.
2. Scroll Bar
By using scroll bar, we can scroll up and down to find the required template.
3. Categories List
We also can find the required template, that may be defined as category. In categories list we can also find the required template.
hope this helps. I am also a learner like you. Please cross check my explanation.
using namespace std;
int main()
int a[ ] = {0, 0, 0}; //array declared initializing a0=0, a1=0, a3=0
int* p = &a[1]; //pointer p is initialized it will be holding the address of a1 which means when p will be called it will point to whatever is present at the address a1, right now it hold 0.
int* q = &a[0]; //pointer q is initialized it will be holding the address of a0 which means when q will be called it will point to whatever is present at the address a0, right now it hold 0.
q=p; // now q is also pointing towards what p is pointing both holds the same address that is &a[1]
; //&a[0] gets overwritten and now pointer q has integer 1......i am not sure abut this one
p = a; //p is now holding address of complete array a
*p=1; // a gets overwritten and now pointer q has integer 1......i am not sure abut this one
int*& r = p; //not sure
int** s = &q; s is a double pointer means it has more capacity of storage than single pointer and is now holding address of q
r = *s + 1; //not sure
s= &r; //explained above
**s = 1; //explained above
return 0;
Java es rápido, seguro y fiable. Desde ordenadores portátiles hasta centros de datos, desde consolas para juegos hasta computadoras avanzadas, desde teléfonos móviles hasta Internet, Java está en todas partes. Si es ejecutado en una plataforma no tiene que ser recompilado para correr en otra. Java es, a partir de 2012, uno de los lenguajes de programación más populares en uso, particularmente para aplicaciones de cliente-servidor de web