An advantage of using sports drinks for fluid replacement during exercise is that:
c. they have a pleasant taste which encourages consumption.
- If you are doing moderate exercise in a very hot environment, you may also lose electrolytes that can't be replaced by drinking water alone.
- Sports drinks can help replenish electrolytes lost during exercise, and because they contain sugar, they can also give you a boost of energy to help you get through a workout
- The best bet for rehydration is to consume a low-cal beverage that contains electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.
- Good choices include sports drinks (go low-cal if your workout), try coconut water, or water with a slice of fruit. The refreshing hint of flavor may drive you to drink more
- During exercise, the main way the body maintains optimal body temperature is by sweating. Heat is removed from the body when beads of sweat on the skin evaporate, resulting in a loss of body fluid.
Every two weeks increase your distance by 2 miles. Focus on strength training 3 times a week and increase intensity at each work-out until you are at a plateau. Continue there building endurance. Keep a record of your heart rate so you don't overdo it.
These foods are called aerobics.
<span>The patellar tendon is a structure that attaches the quadriceps muscle group to the tibia. Patellar tendonitis, also known as jumper's knee, is the condition that arises when the patellar tendon and the tissues that surround it, become inflamed and irritated. This is usually due to overuse, especially from jumping activities. It is a common affliction of volleyball, basketball, soccer players, and runners. Rapid acceleration, deceleration, jumping, and landing concentrate a large amount of stress on the extensor mechanism of the knee. </span>
<span>Patellar tendonitis can be classified by the following techniques: </span>
<span>Stage 0 - No Pain
</span><span>Stage 1 - Pain only after intense sports activity; no undue functional impairment
</span><span>Stage 2 - Pain at the beginning and after sports activity; still able to perform at a satisfactory level
</span><span>Stage 3 - Pain during sports activity; increasing difficulty in performing at a satisfactory level
</span><span>Stage 4 - Pain during sports activity; unable to participate in sport at a satisfactory level
</span><span>Stage 5 - Pain during daily activity; unable to participate in sport at any level (14) </span>
<span>In mostly stages 1-4, this condition can be treated by a conservative approach. The therapy includes strengthening the muscles around the knee and continuation of non-contact aerobic exercise. The athlete is encouraged to continue exercising and working out despite the tendonitis. In addition to this, the knee should be frequently iced. </span>
<span>In severe cases of tendonitis, approximately 10% of cases in athletes, surgery must be performed to alleviate the pain of tendonitis. Six weeks after the surgery in most cases, the athlete could begin their physical therapy to begin playing their respective sport again. Most cases for these surgeries are Stage 5, but many times, especially in professional athletes, surgery is requested because the patient doesn't want to deal with the non-operative therapies and the pain of tendonitis.</span>