To maintain body homeostasis
The endocrine system consists of the endocrine glands that release hormones directly int the blood. Those hormones bind to their receptors on the target cells and thus regulate their function. The major glands are:
pineal gland-releases melatonin, controls sleep cycle
pituitary gland-control growth, blood pressure, thyroid glands and metabolism etc.
pancreas-secretes insulin and glucagon, control of blood sugar levels
ovaries, testes-reproductive role (release female and male hormones)
thyroid gland-controls metabolism and protein synthesis
parathyroid gland-controls Ca levels
hypothalamus-connects nervous and endocrine systems, controls other glands
adrenal glands-release adrenalin and steroid hormones.
Nerve cells release chemical signals into synapses between them (short distance). They also transverse their lengths with an electrical signal that can result in signal travel along a series of cells (long distance).
Nerve cells release neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft which are capable of affecting nearby cells such as other nerve cells and muscle cells. Neurotransmitter molecules include, among others, serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine and histamine. Moreover, the synaptic cleft is the space that separates a neuron cell and its target cell. On the other hand, neurons transmit signals through electrical impulses. Electrical impulses travel long distances in the body carried by axons of the nerves. Thus, nerve impulses connect the brain and spinal cord and they carry signals to different parts of the body.
An average person (let's say one that weights 70 kg) has about 5.5 liters of blood (that's a little more than 160 ounces or 1.2 to 1.5 gallons). Other way of saying this is : about 7% of body weight.
Phospholipids have two distinct polarities. The phosphate head is always polar, while the two "tails" it has are nonpolar.
a. DNA carries instructions for the functions of every cell and enzyme in living organisms.
b. DNA can serve as a way to identify one individual from another.
Which of the following is TRUE about DNA?
a. DNA carries instructions for the functions of every cell and enzyme in living organisms.
b. DNA can serve as a way to identify one individual from another.
c. All living organisms can carry DNA in practically every cell of their body