It uses archival sources and periodicals to examine the Christian and although after reading thousands of pages of religious polemics,it be 2008 Bruce Masters,Christian and Jews in the Ottoman
GDP(Gross Domestic Production) is used to detect inflation in the nation.
- GDP is a round figure of production of the nation which means taxes, wages, salaries, imported money, foreign exchange currency etc. that all comes under GDP.
- Through GDP, the nation concludes its inflation and production rate of the country. GDP also affects the stock market.
- GDP used to analyse performance of a country in a year. The next year’s budget is based on GDP which helps to bring economic reforms for the next economic year.
Trotsky believed as well as Lenin did that if a communist / socialist government is to come to power (USSR) it should openly support and interfere with every conflict and help the communist factions to try to spread communism internationally. Stalin believed that too but when he came to power he changed his view, He openly wrote books talking about the possible failures of Marx and Lenin. Stalin believed that a communist / socialist country should try to create a utopia where life was so good for all citizens that all other countries in the world would want to follow that belief and convert to communism themselves.
The answer for this question is C, because poor infrastructure is bad for the nation