In Smiths letter it said that "the book of Mormon was as much the word of god as the bible, another thing that was met with outrage was polygamy". This might offend non-Mormon Americans.
It was a letter from Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, to "Long" John Wentworth, editor and owner of the Democratic Party of Chicago in 1842. Wentworth's letter is of immense value to Latter-day Saints. It is the original account of Joseph Smith's sacred calling from God, testifying to his vision, ministry and teachings. It talks about the rise and growth of the church and the persecution of the saints.
Know more about Joseph Smith here
They felt patriotic for fighting for America. Most were freed slaves
Monetary policy is the best way to influence economic growth.
An upside down legless half headed stickman?
An arrow pointing at a half a circle?
Greeks government were divided into many different governments such as monarchies, oilgarchies, tyrannies, and democraies.