<h3><u>Required Answer</u><u>:</u><u>-</u></h3>
The intensification of agriculture has caused dramatic declines in farmland biodiversity (Carvalheiro et al., 2013; Senapathi et al., 2015). Since the 1990s, agricultural policies have been developed in Europe to mitigate this loss through agri-environmental schemes (AES). One AES is “sown wildflower strips”, the aim of which is to create new ecological infrastructures by sowing attractive wild flowers on arable land (a few % of the cultivated area). These ecological infrastructures fall within our definition of MIMS since they represent a massive introduction of managed species in the landscape.
Homologous structures are structures that are similar in related organisms because they were inherited from a common ancestor. These structures may or may not have the same function in the descendants. They all have the same basic pattern of bones. They inherited this pattern from a common ancestor. However, their forelimbs now have different functions
A bladder containing 400 - 500 ml of urine is referred to as functional capacity.
Urine is defined as excess liquid waste products of metabolism in human as well as other animals. The kidneys filter nitrogen rich human metabolism byproducts such as urea and creatinine from blood, then transport it to the ureters, then the urine is excreted from the body via urethra. In order for micturition (a process of excretion of urine from the bladder) to happen, the bladder must maintain a functional capacity at a level of 400 - 500 ml of urine stored inside it, after which the excess level of liquid will be excreted from the body.
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