About 2,640 calories
The caloric intake of a person depends on the sex, activity and health status. Assuming that George is an average male from the United States, we will calculate his weight to be around 88.8 Kg.
If he were to eat 30 kcal/kg of body weight his ideal amount of calories for the day would be around 2,640. This falls within the range of 2,500 calories for men and around 2,000 for women.
These values, however, are not fixed as the amount of caloric intake is dependent on the individual and this can only be determined by the health care provider and in conjunction with the needs of the individual.
Mechanical, energy and chemical
It's the most
it can be due to what they are eating(your diet),
Cruciferous veggies
red meat
spicy foods
these foods can make you smelly by going out of your pores
also Body odor is actually the fault of the bacteria that live in sweaty areas of your body. Bacteria thrive in moist environments, like your armpits. When you sweat, the bacteria break down certain proteins in the sweat into acids. So, it's not the bacteria that stink.
Create an air gap to prevent backflow.
An air gap prevents contamination of the water because it creates a space between the water outlet and a contaminated source. So, if there is, for example, a decrease in the pressure that pumps the water to the faucet, the water the air gap will prevent the contamination of potable water and the cause of different illnesses.