A great example is the peppered moths evolution. Since the Industrial Revolution the birch trees started to turn black from the soot. This casued all the white moths to be eaten from birds. The ones that were left to mate were black moths which favored the black gene. So overtime black moths became more common. They were naturaly selected based on color to survived and pass down their black colored genes.
A lysis buffer is a buffer solution used for the purpose of breaking open cells for use in molecular biology experiments that analyze the labile macromolecules of the cells (e.g. western blot for protein, or for DNA extraction).
This used use to transfer heat which is dissipated from the body. it is the heat needed to stabilize the body temperature for the cells and tissues to do some biological work.It is also from the heat that enzymes maintain there activity.
They both have different amount.there are more male diploid cells
I know this answer by heart.It is the kidneys...