The Government Charges A High Tax On Cigarettes And Gasoline Because These Are Things They Know People Will Want To Buy. Gas Is Something Most People Need As An Everyday Essential No Matter How High They Make The Tax Someone Will Pay For It Because Its Something They Need.
Percent decrease : (original number - new number) / original number)...x 100
(13.00 - 7.50) / 13.00 = 5.5/13 = 0.42....x 100 = 42% decrease
Write and solve an equation of ratios:
6 inches 1 inch
-------------- = ------------
60 inches x
Cross-multiplying, 6x = 60, so x = 10 inches (answer)
The original price for one lunch special is $19.
The original price for one lunch special is 'p' dollar.
He wins a coupon for $4 off for each of five days. That means , <u>he needs to pay
dollar each day</u>.
So, the total amount needed to pay for 5 days
Given that, <u>he pays $75 for his 5 lunch specials</u>. So the equation will be.....

So, the original price for one lunch special is $19.