1.The sport was created by Americans
2. All
3. Helmet
4. The ball
5. 43ft
6. 60ft 6in
7. hand to use
8. fear
9. batting position
10. finish the swing
obesity leads to type two diabetes because having extra fat leads to insulin resistance which is what leads to type 2 diabetes
Answer: To increase arterial pressure you need to increase the cardiac output
Cardiac output is the volume of blood being pumped by the heart in one minute. It is equal to heart rate multiplied by stroke volume.
Two factors affect the strength of the blood: cardiac output and peripheral resistance. Cardiac output is the volume of blood circulated by the heart. Increasing heart rate also results in increased cardiac output, which increases blood pressure.
A Rep (repetition) is one complete motion of an exercise.
For example, if the teacher asks you to do 10 by 4 push-ups, then a "rep" would be your first 10 push-ups finished.