About 2,640 calories
The caloric intake of a person depends on the sex, activity and health status. Assuming that George is an average male from the United States, we will calculate his weight to be around 88.8 Kg.
If he were to eat 30 kcal/kg of body weight his ideal amount of calories for the day would be around 2,640. This falls within the range of 2,500 calories for men and around 2,000 for women.
These values, however, are not fixed as the amount of caloric intake is dependent on the individual and this can only be determined by the health care provider and in conjunction with the needs of the individual.
How many centers are required in a preschool classroom 4
The body utilizes ATP that is stored in the muscles to perform anaerobic exercises. ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate which is a complex organic chemical - the source of energy that keeps everything going. The ATP is used for many cell functions including transport work moving substances across cell membranes, mechanical work, supplying the energy needed for muscle contraction...