A closed fracture is the type of fracture that the bone completely break but does not pierce through the skin
Cook it to kill it
keep it out of the danger zone temperature in order to prevent bacterial growth
<h2><u>The Advantages of a Healthcare Team</u> </h2>
- Multidisciplinary patient-centric care
- Application of multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, or interdisciplinary team approach provides a wholesome and holistic treatment with better outcomes
- Better application of technologies and valuable inputs from various healthcare departments
- Better coordination in patient care right from initial visit till final billing processes.
- Interdisciplinary healthcare team facilitates healthcare professionals of different departments to interact with each other.
- Like, an X-ray taken in the Radiology Department can be accessed by the members of team like the physician, nurse, physiotherapist, etc who can correlate with the findings and the report to provide the apt treatment accordingly
A trusted adult, like a family friend, neighbor, friend’s parent(s)