Administrative data section of the patient record
supaya tak meletup
sebab hitam dapat menghalang cahaya matahari daripada kena ke tabung didih agar tidak terlebih panas dan menyebabkan letupan
The correct answer is - D) I and II.
When a fossil is found, one of the most important things that need to be looked at are the location where the fossil was found and how deep the in the ground the fossil was found.
The location of the place where the fossil is found is important as it can provide us with information about the environment of where the fossil lived, the geography of the place, was it land or water. Since reconstructions of the geological past have already been made, an experienced paleontologist will manage to use it without any problem.
How deep is the fossil found is also very important. The reason for that is that certain layer in the ground is a part of certain geological eon, era, period... By looking at the layer in which the fossil has been found we can relatively easily come to an information about its relative age.
Broca's area is in the frontal lobe. Wernikes is in the temporal lobe.