Capital expenditures involve the acquisition of assets that are long lasting, such as C. land and buildings. D. equipment with an appropriate number of years of useful life
Capital Expenditures -
Commonly represented as CapEx , these are the fixed funds used by company for the purpose to upgrade , acquire and maintain physical assets such as the building , property , any technology etc.
capital expenditure is the expense made on fixed assets like land, buildings, equipment. Supplies and operating expenses are variable costs.
The correct answer is - Race and ethnicity shape internal and external perceptions of a group.
Both, the race and the ethnicity, shape the internal and external perceptions of a group of people. It is true that every ethnic group has its own unique traits, and that every race has its own unique features, but unfortunately, very often they are over exaggerated and used in bad connotations.
The people of races and ethnic groups around the world tend to have prejudice for the people different than them, and very often that leads to big problems.
No, <u>Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium is a theory that states the allele and genotype frequencies in a population will remain constant irrespective of the sexs.</u>
- Derivations from the HWE Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium assume that organisms are diploid, population size is infinite, and mating is random.
- In all the equilibrium the four fundamental factors like the selection, mutation, random mating including interbreeding and small population size. So, if the number of heterozygotes is 34 then the significant level is 0.067.
- So higher the significance level higher is the heterozygotes. In the absence of selection and genetic drift, all the frequencies within variables are constant. This principle was named by G, H Hardy.