Yellow- Green Wavelength of light at peak absorption of 565nm.
Halobacterium is known to be a member of Archaea
and they thrive in very salty environment such as Great Salt lake and Dead Sea. Halobacteria under the process of photosynthesis
with chlorophyll and they make their ATP from the sunlight using bacteriorhodopsin
and halorhodopsin as photosynthetic pigments.
However, photosensory pigements found in
Halabacterium were:
1. photosystem 565 which is used to respond to yellow
–green light in other for cell to find optimum conditions for ATP synthesis and
photophosphorylation and they have peak absorbtion at 565nm.
2. Photosystem 370 nm appears to be responsible
for the protective avoidance of blue/UV light.
The start codon is the first codon of a messenger RNA (mRNA) transcript translated by a ribosome.
Nitrogen base sequence for the start codon is AUG.
Cold ocean water flows from the north pole towards south and affects the climate locations near the Atlantic Ocean.
B) All microorganisms do not produce glucose via glycolysis,
there are alternate pathways that produce glucose.
The process that tend to reduceb the variety within a population is called B. Random fertilization.