I believe that Faustus originally asked Mephastophilis to bring him Helen of Troy because he lusted after Helen and wanted to possess her.
Helen is the symbol of ultimate beauty, and his hedonistic side wanted to indulge his more primal needs.
The effect of the rhetorical language that appears in this poster, "Every minute counts!" emphasizes the idea that viewers should be contributing to the war effort at all times."
In this poster there is a picture of a worker, standing with his right hand in his pocket and smoking a cigarette. There are ships in the background and a clock with a ten minutes section highlighted. This is a poster from World War II, issued in Great Britain. This poster underscores the idea that it's everyone's duty to contribute to the war effort at all times. Every minute is precious.
This was to be his punishment for all of eternity. The full title of Mary Shelley's novel is Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus. ... set aside from the title, Shelley borrows from the tale of Prometheus a sense of consequence in results from seeking enlightenment and power. Victor is her new incarnation of Prometheus.
Woody (Tom Hanks), a good-hearted cowboy doll who belongs to a young boy named Andy (John Morris), sees his position as Andy's favorite toy jeopardized when his parents buy him a Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) action figure. Even worse, the arrogant Buzz thinks he's a real spaceman on a mission to return to his home planet. When Andy's family moves to a new house, Woody and Buzz must escape the clutches of maladjusted neighbor Sid Phillips (Erik von Detten) and reunite with their boy.
Um this is a guess not 100% sure
Correct me if I’m wrong