People talking about them
usually I see people cover up their ears or head when their next to people that are usually talking about them so they cover up their ears because they dont want them to bring them down
Answer:The vagina and the penis are the last passageway out of the reproductive system.
The testes and the ovaries perform similar function.
The Sperm duct and the Fallopian tube perform similar function
Explanation:The penis is the exit out of the male reproductive system,it is through the penial opening that seminal fluid leaves the male reproductive system into a female vagina during coupulation.
The testes is the home for the production of the male spermatozoa while the ovaries contains the ovules( the (sex cell).
The Sperm duct does the job of transportation of the seminal fluid as the Fallopian tube also transports the fertilized egg for implantation.
They can constrict or dilate because their walls are muscular.
Estrogen helps control the menstrual cycle and is important for childbearing. Estrogen also has other functions: Keeps cholesterol in control. Protects bone health for both women and men