1. Economic Union
2. Autonomous and Sovereign country
The Euro was established on January the 1st in 1999. Its purpose was to unite the countries of the Eastern and Western Europe. But not only that, it's main purpose was to help economically all the countries of the European Union; by having a same monetary system, the economy would flourish and build from it, making each country as strong as everyone else. Besides, all countries within the European Union would be autonomous and the would dictate their own rules; in other words, they would remain sovereign, without having anyone making decisions from the outside.
32 degrees F
Freezing point of Celcius is 0, which, converted to Fahrenheit, would be 32.
c. intersectionality
Intersectionality: Intersectionality is also referred to as intersectional feminism. The term intersectionality is referred to as a perspective that examines the interaction of different social markers, for example, class, gender, sexual orientation, race, and age shape and modify groups or a person's experience.
In the question above, the statement refers to the concept of Intersectionality.
During World War I, a movement began in Canada to divide the country. It would seem as though countries that enter a war voluntarily pay the price by ending up conflicted and divided. The relations between the English and French citizens were at their lowest ever
What you need to know about an unfamiliar discipline in order to draw upon its insights and critically analyze them
Possessing disciplinary adequacy means sufficient and ample comprehension of a discipline enough to grasp it edges, boundaries and how it can be critically analyzed. It means understanding how the discipline views the world such as in terms of its theories, assumptions, methods, concepts or perspectives. In other words to have disciplinary adequacy only requires that one understand a discipline enough to know its cognitive map in terms of how it approaches and views the problem/subject