B. It was sugarcane not transported
<span>D) The consequences of people’s actions eventually catch up with them. E)Compassion has its limits and can vanish as a result of abuse.
Option D is true because of the snake Sykes brings home to try and run Delia out of the house. The snake gets out and ends up biting him and killing him. His actions with the snake eventually catch him and kill him.
Option E is true as well. Delia once had compassion for Sykes. However, after years of his abuse Sykes has worn it out. The men sitting outside the store comment on how Sykes' abuse has changed Delia as she was once the most beautiful girl in town. Her compassion for Sykes at the end of the story is completely gone and she does not help him when he's dying.
soil conservation practices are tools the farmer can use to prevent soil degradation and build organic matter. These practices include: crop rotation, reduced tillage, mulching, cover cropping and cross-slope farming
There is strong resistance to the extinction when performance has been maintained with a variable schedule of reinforcement
variable ratio schedule of reinforcement occurs when the response has been reinforced after several unpredictable responses. It creates a high rate of steadiness in the response in the schedule. Lottery and gambling are a good example of such type of reinforcement.
In an experiment when food is supplied to a rat after one break then after four breaks after one break, again and again, it is the variable-ratio schedules
According to the A functionalist perspective on the rise of education , the rise of education only occurs because society needs more people with high education to be able to operate.
But this perspective is overly simplistic.
There are a lot of cases that proof that people without a degree can do a certain task better compared to people with a degree, since expertise tend to be determined by how much time you put on one single thing rather than learning various skills on surface level.
Sharp rise on educational requirements can be explained better if we put industrialization into factor.
HR workers tend to put high education as requirement to help them filter out candidates that they need. They do this to make their job easier rather than having to test all applicants one by one. When this happen, it create a situation where younger generations tend to seek higher education in order to be considered as a candidate rather than focusing on actually having the proper skill set.