All percentages can be expressed as fractions or decimals. To find a percentage of a number, we multiply the percentage with the number. In this case:
3/100 * 16/1 = 48/100 = 0.48
0.03 * 16 = 0.48
Her new hourly wage would be $16.48
sorry i dont know the answer .
The number is 5.
Step-by-step explanation:
The product of 5 and 4 more than a number = 9 times the number
Let the number be x;
5(4 + x) = 9x
20 + 5x = 9x
4x = 20
x = 20/5
x = 5.
Step-by-step explanation:
A repeating decimal, also known as a recurring decimal, is a decimal number that has a digit or digits that infinitely repeat at regular intervals. Repeating decimals can be tricky to work with, but they can also be converted into a fraction. Sometimes, repeating decimals are indicated by a line over the digits that repeat. The number 3.7777 with 7 repeating, for instance, can also be written as 3.7. To convert a number like this to a fraction, you write it as an equation, multiply, subtract to remove the repeating decimal, and solve the equation. hope this helps
A solution of a function is where the function hits the x-axis, so if y is any number that is not equal to 0, there is no possible way that point can be a solution.
Hope this helps!