His reputation was Tom’s greatest possession. This is because “his” is describing Tom and it comes before it.
Humanity's interest in the heavens has been universal and enduring. Humans are driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push the boundaries of our scientific and technical limits, and then push further. The intangible desire to explore and challenge the boundaries of what we know and where we have been has provided benefits to our society for centuries.
Human space exploration helps to address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe and the history of our solar system. Through addressing the challenges related to human space exploration we expand technology, create new industries, and help to foster a peaceful connection with other nations. Curiosity and exploration are vital to the human spirit and accepting the challenge of going deeper into space will invite the citizens of the world today and the generations of tomorrow to join NASA on this exciting journey.
I'm pretty sure the answer would be sentence number 8
This is the start of a new paragraph, and it uses the pronoun "they" for Noel and his friend. The reader might forget who "they" is by this point. In the next sentence the author uses "they" again. It's not exactly precise to use they twice in a row like that because again, the reader might forget who they is referring to. Sentence 8 should say Hami and Noel, instead of they, and then it would be perfectly fine to use they in the next sentence.
Hope that helps :)
6th grade story from my life.
In 6th grade,I lived in Mansfield, Ohio. At school I met a girl named shyloh. We didn't talk a lot but talked to each other since she was the friend of one my other friend Quilana at the time. I thought she was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen on this earth and i became self conscious of myself around her. Me and my friend went to her house once and while Quilana was in the bathroom, I summed up the courage to tell Shyloh how i felt and she told me she felt the same way and kissed my cheek.
As we started talking more, i started to tell her "I love you". She would always say it back and i was always so happy and excited whenever i saw or thought of her. After a while, i started thinking about our relationship. I noticed that shyloh never told me she loved me. She would only ever say "I love you too. I brought it up to her and she said she was sorry. After that day it was almost like she didn't want to even be around me.
After school, we got on the bus and i sat next to her and asked her if she was okay and said yes. We sat in an awkward silence for a bit and I asked her "do you really love me?" She told me, "no i dont. i never did. I only wanted to be friends and when you told me how you felt i didnt want to risk losing you as someone that supports me." She eventually moved away to Indiana a few months after that and i never heard from her again.
I still like to pretend that she's here sometimes. It hurts to think about her sometimes but I hope she's doing good. If she does ever end up reading this then I MISS YOU.