Andrew Jackson had successfully led the U.S. forces in the Creek War against Native Americans. He served as the seventh President of U.S. from 1829 to 1837. He was also the main founder of the modern Democratic Party.
The answer is
Nixon v. Herndon was a US Supreme court
ruling that unanimously rejected the decision to strike down a 1923 Texas that
forbade blacks from voting in the Texas Democratic Party primary. The aftermath
led to Texas promptly enacting a new provision to continue restrictions on
black voter participation.
The US Supreme court ruling in the
court case of Nixon v. Herndon was that there was an obvious infringement of
the 14th amendment to the constitution. This in turn violated Dr.
Lawrence Nixon. Nixon had stated that both 14th and 15th
amendment rights had been violated but only the 14th amendment had
been violated according to the Supreme Court.
Los ingleses, escoceses, irlandeses, alemanes y otros grupos de inmigrantes llegaron a Estados Unidos para buscar nuevas oportunidades en las vastas tierras occidentales. Sin embargo, la migración masiva de estos grupos desde Europa no se produjo hasta finales de la década de 1840, por lo que estos grupos étnicos no contribuyeron al asentamiento inicial del centro de Indiana.
In the past past, during Great Depression no one liked them because they had a whole bunch of rights and things that the poor/ lower class didn’t. Also in 1800s the upper class was the kings and rich men of the world, no one liked them because they were greedy and didn’t care for others but themselves